We can help with BCP and IT DRP Alignment, Maintenance and Testing
If having a BCP and/or IT DRP is already a priority for your organisation, we can facilitate BIA/TRA exercise and drive the steps of defining DRP goals aligned with BCP according to our framework and supported by our unique DR Modeler.
DR Modeler (framework and a tool) designed to:
- Organize DRP relevant information through an intuitive interface with built-in review cycles and automatic alerts. This makes DRP documentation compilation and management significantly more accurate and easier to maintain.
- Tie technical recovery with Business Continuity Planning (BCP) by prioritizing IT DRP according to weighed importance of Business Processes for a given crisis Scenario. This eliminates the discrepancy in understanding of DR goals between Business and IT and ensures alignment of IT DRP with BCP.
- Produce printable DRP Documentation with instructions, contact information, protocols, recovery instructions, etc. including graphical representation of anticipated recovery timelines for various DR scenarios. Such automated generation of documentation eliminates the need for maintaining piles of documents with lots of redundant information manually
- Simulate a Recovery for a given DRP Scenario, which allows to iron out wrinkles of the DR Plan prior to engaging into the actual time consuming and laborious DR Test. This makes DR Modeler especially valuable, as it cuts down on resources and time needed for testing the Plan.